Digipay is a modern and clean Elementor Template Kit designed specifically foronline payment gateways- fintech companies- app landing pages- startups- andother tech companies. With its professional design- responsive layout- andease of customization using Elementor- Digipay is the perfect solution forcreating a professional-looking WordPress-based website.
With Digipay- you can showcase your online payment services- fintechsolutions- and technological innovations with style. The templates arecarefully crafted to ensure a seamless and visually appealing user experience.Whether you’re launching a new app- establishing an online payment gateway- orrepresenting a tech startup- Digipay has the tools you need to make a strongimpression.
The templates in Digipay are fully responsive and retina-ready- ensuring thatyour website looks stunning on any device. Plus- customization is a breezewith Elementor’s intuitive interface. You can easily personalize your websitewithout writing a single line of code- saving you time and effort.
Choose from our carefully crafted selection of 15+ stunning templates to buildyour professional-looking company business website in just a few clicks. WithDigipay- you have the flexibility to create a website that reflects your brandidentity and captures the attention of your target audience. Start buildingyour professional-looking website today and establish a strong online presencewith Digipay’s stunning templates.
- Using Free Plugins (Elementor Pro is not required)
- Modern & Clean Design
- 15+ Ready to use templates
- Fully Responsive Layout
- Retina Ready
- Fully Customizable
- Cross Browser Compatibility: Chrome- Firefox- Safari- Opera
Templates Include:
- Home
- About
- Services
- Pricing
- Team
- Blog
- Single Post
- MetForm Contact
- Contact
- Jkit – Tabs Pricing
- 404 Page
- Header
- Footer
- Global Theme Style
Required Plugin:
- MetForm
- Elementor
- Jeg Elementor Kit
How to Use Template Kits:
- Install and Activate the “Envato Elements” plugin from Plugins > Add New in WordPress. You do NOT need an Envato Elements subscription to use this plugin to install kits.
- Download your kit file and Do not unzip it! If you have Safari- ensure “open safe files after downloading” is not enabled in preferences.
- Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Upload Template Kit button. You may also import automatically by clicking Connect Account to link your Elements subscription- then import under Elements > Template Kits.
- Check for the orange banner at the top and click Install Requirements to load any plugins the kit uses
- Click import on the Global Kit Styles first
- Click Import on one template at a time. These are stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates.
- Go to Pages and create a new page and click Edit with Elementor
- Click the gear icon at lower-left of the builder to view page settings and choose Elementor Full Width and hide page title
- Click the gray folder icon to access My Templates tab and then Import the page you’d like to customize.
If you have Elementor Pro- headers and footers may be customized under Theme Builder.
Detailed Guide: https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/900000842846-How-to-use-the-Envato-Elements-WordPress-Plugin-v2-0
For further support- go to Elementor > Get Help in WordPress menu.
How to Import Metforms
- Import the metform block templates
- Import the page template where the form appears and right-click to enable the Navigator
- Locate and select the Metform widget and click Edit Form. Choose New- then Edit Form. The builder will appear
- Click ‘Add Template’ grey folder icon.
- Click ‘My Templates’ tab.
- Choose your imported metform template- then click ‘Insert’ (click No for page settings).
- Once the template is loaded- make any desired customizations and click ‘Update & Close’ The form will appear in the template
- Click Update
How to setup header in Jeg Elementor Kit plugin
- Go to Jeg Elementor Kit menu item > Header Template
- Click Add New Header
- Add condition > All Site and click Create
- Click gray folder icon to access My Templates tab
- Insert the header template.
- Customize and Save.
This Template Kit uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website- or you can substitute them with your own.
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